Day 9: Your favorite weird/funny single behavior

This is a tricky question. My sister and I were discussing how behaviors change between living alone, living with a roommate, and being married. There are behaviors that come and go. As my sister said, it is surprising to see which weird/funny behaviors a married person holds on to.

I think living along can add an additional element to this question. But that is something I have never done. Unless you consider the two-person dorm room that I had to myself during my junior year of college. But I always seemed to have people over or staying the night.

I love blaring music. Whether getting ready for the day, cleaning, cooking, or driving, I love having music turned all the way up. This is something I do not do when others are around. I may play music but at a respectable volume.

With the music comes singing. I like to sing, and I would like to think that I used to be quite good at it. But over the years I have lost my touch due to lack of vocal training.

And there is also some dancing. I really despise dancing around others. I just do not care for others to see the extra wiggle in my body.

I know my answer for my weird/funny behavior as a single person is not so original, but it is something I have enjoyed and have done for a large portion of my life.


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