Day 8: Five things that are most important to you in a future mate

  1. Belief - My faith and involvement in church community has always been of the utmost importance in my life. I have been attending my current church for a year now, and I am blessed by those I am able to do life with. Because faith is important to me, then having a husband who is like minded in that way is highly attractive to me.
  2. Love for others - I have told some of my closest friends that I would love to marry someone who is pastorally minded. Someone who is community oriented and loves others is prime for me.
  3. Supportive - My heart and passion is to do life with others in a holistic way. And I love Africa. So ideally my dream is to be in Africa working with people. It is important that I have a husband who is supportive of my dreams and goals, someone who will in some way join me on that adventure.
  4. Respectful - Someone who is loving and caring and respectful to me as a woman is a must. For sure!
  5. Fun and family - I love laughing and having a good time. I also value family and love my family dearly. I would love to have a future mate who is family oriented.


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