Day 24: Re-Do

Today's challenge: If you could relive ONE day of your life, what would it be? And would you change anything?

In 2013 I had the opportunity to intern at Child Restoration Outreach in Mbale, Uganda, Africa. I spent time with these little ones everyday. It was a life altering and challenging experience.

Africa is on my mind and heart every single day. So of course I would choose to relive a day that was spent in Uganda.

My last day at CRO was emotional. I fought back the tears all day. I felt so loved by the staff and the children. It was bittersweet.

Even though it was a sad day because I was leaving, there was still so much joy. I would give anything to return to CRO and see the progress these kids have made.

I do not think I would have changed much about the day. Maybe add more hugs, photos, and all around more love.

A return trip to Uganda is looooonnnnngggg overdue. If anyone would like to help fund a trip for me, I would gladly accept support. 😁


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