Day 10: Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn't fit you

There are a few different meanings for my name, but the most common meaning is "pure" or "pure of heart." Other meanings I came across are "gust of wind" and "curly-haired."

I always strive to be pure of heart. There are trials and mishaps in my life from time to time which test where my heart lies, but through grace, I find the correct path.

While Googling the meaning of my name, I also Googled what it means to be pure of heart. I found an article written by an author named Matt Perman. He said: be “pure in heart” means to be single-minded for the glory of God. It is to have God and his kingdom as your ultimate priority, with no competitors. It is to serve one master, not two. It is to have a single eye, treasuring heaven and Jesus more than anything in this world. It is for your ultimate aim and priority and value in life to be knowing Jesus Christ and, from that, living a life of good works so that he, not you, is glorified (Matthew 5:16).

So I would say the meaning of my name fits me quite well, or at least I actively pursue to be a woman of purity.


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