Day 19: Surprise

Today's challenge: What is something about you that people would be surprised to learn?

First off, sorry about not posting as frequently the past couple of weeks. I was feeling discouraged yesterday evening. I was self critical thinking I was not good enough and that I always mess up. So before I went to bed, I journaled and prayed for the hurt to be released so I could have peace of mind and no worry.

Second, after I journaled I opened my laptop with the intention of writing for the challenge today, but I spent sometime changing the layout of my blog page instead. I took advantage of a Blogger pop up asking if I wanted to check out their new blog themes.
I like how it looks now, but I might make some additional changes. What do you think about the new look? Share your thoughts.

Now onto the challenge. After reading the challenge, I started to think about how there is not a whole lot that if I shared it would be a surprise for others to learn. But then it hit me.

You might be surprised to learn that I sleep with a stuffed animal. I was never attached to a stuffed animal or blanket as a child. It was not until five years ago that I saw a cute, dark blue elephant at Patina. I could not resist the urge to buy it.

Without much thought, I decided to sleep with the stuffed elephant at night. Not many people know that I do this. After all, I am 26 years old, and it is a little embarrassing to admit. But at the same time, it is comforting and almost natural for me to snuggle up to something at night.

I am embarrassed to admit that I have a stuffed animal, but it really does not matter what anyone else thinks. Some might think it is childish, but it an entirely different scenario being that I did not start sleeping with the elephant until I was 21 years old.

So there you go. That is my surprising fact. Were you surprised?


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