Day 18: Dear High School Self

Today's challenge: If you could have a conversation with yourself in high school, what would you say?

What I would say to my high school self, in no particular older:
  • Being in a relationship should be your last concern. Actually, just do not even stress about boys. They are dumb. (I was never in a relationship in high school, but I was boy crazy from time to time. It was a waste.)
  • Focus on school. (I had good grades throughout school, but I know I could have tried harder. Same goes for college.)
  • Expand your horizons. Are there options other than college post graduation? (I wish I would have known about other programs or opportunities I could have sought after graduation. It seemed like college was my only option, but I know now that there was so much more.)
  • Take care of yourself. Give yourself grace. 
  • People may hurt you, but be quick to forgive. Do not hold onto hurt and pain. 
  • Push yourself. Be adventurous. Be brave. 
  • Do not be the person you think others want you to be. Be you! Be real. 
  • Save money for your future. 
  • Above all else, know that you matter. You are worthy. You are important. Your voice is meaningful. You are loved.


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