Day 21: Change

Today's challenge: How have you changed the most in the past 10 years?

Lately I have been thinking about change and how it is easier to view change over time compared to noticing gradual change. A lot can happen in 10 years.

Going back 10 years, I was 16 years old. My main concerns were attempting to be cool, succeeding in academic and extra curricular activities, and hanging out with my friends.

Now I am 26 years old. I have more responsibilities than ever before. I am trying my best to maintain my cool by not getting ahead of myself and worrying about the future.

So what has changed the most in these past 10 years?

Today during my chiropractor appointment, my doctor asked me how my job has been going at my church. He asked me what I have been learning. I said, "I have been learning to give myself grace." My chiropractor commended me and mentioned how there is so much wisdom in allowing grace to be a part of our lives.

From before high school up until sometime in college, giving myself grace was the last thing I could do. I have always been hard on myself when it comes to feeling like a failure or not being good enough or not meeting imaginary expectations. Even now this is still a personal struggle, but I am growing in this area.

Learning to forgive myself and walk in freedom has become an extension of who I am. It overflows into all areas of my life. Giving myself grace helps me to forgive others and to see others through the eyes of Christ.

I hope it only gets easier!


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