Day 16: Time Capsule

Today's challenge: If you planted a time capsule right now of your life to be opened in 20 years, what would be in it?

I have been pondering this question all day as I was babysitting my niblings this morning and driving all afternoon. There are only two things that I would for sure want to put in a time capsule.

First, I would put together photo albums of memories I have experienced over the past 26 years. It would be a timeline of photos. From my time at St. Alphonsus School, to high school and all my extracurricular activities, to North Central and the friendships I created, to life after college. My ever-growing family would be scattered in between.
A lot has happened, a lot has been experienced.

I could possibly just put a flash drive of photos in the capsule, but who knows if that type of technology will be outdated in the next 20 years. Photos are more personal anyway.

Second, I would include my writing. I started to regularly journal after I graduated high school. Then I began to blog as well. Someday I would like to bind all of my blog posts into a book. So this book and other journals would be included in the time capsule.

I have seen in movies and tv shows how some time capsules include items that are relevant to the present day. But this would be a personal time capsule. When I am 46 years old, what would matter the most to remember would be my journey and those who were by my side.


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