Day 20: My Most Difficult Breakup

Today's challenge: Describe your most difficult breakup and what you learned from it.**

In 2014 I met a guy online, on Instagram of all places. It was mostly a friendly relationship. Last year he decided to finally visit me here in Minnesota. So he came for a week.

To simplify it all, he lead in on and made it seem like a relationship between us was possible. I was all for it, for all the wrong reasons. So my expectations were high in regards to a relationship, but then it was all shattered.

I felt stupid and rejected.

It did not help that a few months before this guy came, another guy did basically the exact same thing to me.

This makes a girl wonder and question everything. I was heartbroken and crying all the time.

I took this picture a couple of days after that friend visited me. I had just got off the phone with my mom after crying big tears. I was feeling lonely and unwanted.
So I sat in the community garden outside of my apartment building and reflected on what my mom said: "You deserve someone that cherishes the gift that you are."

So in the year of so that has passed since then, I have sought healing of my heart and contentment with my life in the moment. I do feel lonely at times and wish I could share my life with someone, but I want my steps and decisions to be wise.

**This was not necessarily a breakup, but it was close enough.


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