Day 14: Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful

The past 24 hours were chaotic, stressful, drowsy, wonderful, peaceful, calm, and fun.

I have been on a week long vacation visiting my family in North Dakota. My hope was that my sister Megan would go into labor with her fourth child as I was visiting. And that happened last night!
What a joy it is to welcome new life into the world.

Even though I was drowsy with allergies, and maybe lacking some sleep and rest, I was able to spend time with my sister's kids, see baby Clare, and babysit my brother Jake's kids. I am exhausted now, but my heart is happy.

Welcome to the world, baby Clare! You are so loved. Nibling #10 for me!
So thankful I was able to see my mom today. Missed her dearly!
Blessed to have my dad stop by and help watch the boys while my brother took my sister-in-law out for her birthday. The boys loved spending time with Papa.
Love snuggles with Nathan.


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