Day 17: Belief and Relationships

Today's challenge: What are your spiritual beliefs, and how do they impact your relationships/relationship status?

I have been absent from the blog world for a few days. I was attacked by a nasty sinus infection. So in between sips of tea and blowing my nose, I will be writing this post.

I somewhat tackled this question on Day 8 when I mentioned the top five things that are most important to me in a future partner. But I will expand on that.

My faith has always been important to me. I was raised by devout Catholics, attended a Catholic elementary and middle school (Go SAS!), and later became involved in the local Assemblies of God youth group in my hometown. Through my involvement there, I was introduced to the idea of attending the Assemblies of God university I later enrolled in and graduated from. I currently work at an Assemblies of God church and love every bit of it.

So I guess you could say my spiritual beliefs are a big part of my life, and my hope is that this will be incorporated into any relationship in my life whether acquaintance, friend, family, or a partner.

Because my spiritual beliefs are a major part of my life this has greatly impacted my relationship status. It is a high priority for me to do life with someone who shares mutual beliefs and values God above all else.

I guess what I am trying to say is that sharing mutual beliefs with a partner is a high standard that I do not want to lower.


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