Day 6 and 7: Change of plans.

Day 6:
I'm not the biggest fan of being ditched. When I make plans with someone, especially plans that I am looking forward to, it's a major let down to find out that the plans have changed. 

Before I went to college I had no sense of flexibility when it came to my schedule. But now that I have broaden my horizons and added some stamps to my passport, I know the value of flexibility no matter who takes part in your day.

Yesterday was a busy day. I woke up early, went with my oldest sister to a location near the Mississippi, dropped her off so she could run 17 miles, went to a coffee shop and Target, then went over to the St. Paul Cathedral to see my sister finish her run. After this eventful morning, I got home to rest before I went out again to watch the Netherlands vs. Costa Rica match. But these plans changed.

I was ditched. It was hurtful because of the reason I received. And it made me feel like crap thinking that maybe I wasn't good enough for this person, or maybe that I wasn't valued, or maybe that I wasn't cool enough. 

I knew all of these thoughts were lies (or at least I hoped they were). So upon debating whether or not to sulk in my apartment until my next planned event for the day began (weekly grocery shopping with my friend Kayla) or go watch the game by myself and enjoy the company of strangers, I decided to make the choice that I knew would ultimately make me feel better.

I got ready, texted Kayla that I was heading to the game, and waited for the next bus to pick me up. To my luck, Kayla texted me and said she would give me a ride. I was thankful for that because the bus was taking longer than expected to arrive.

Even though Kayla and I were both feeling less than ourselves while we were together, we still tried to enjoy the company of each other because we are able to look past the surface expressions and know that we have a good friendship. 

After getting groceries, coming back home, and putting away the produce I bought, I decided I should apologize to Kayla for my bitter attitude while I was with her. I told her I was thankful that she willingly spent time with me and watched the game even though it was kind of boring for her, and I apologized for the bitter attitude that shone on the outside due to the let down I was dealt earlier that day.

Kayla and I have seen each other through highs and lows. Even though we have only been friends for 4 1/2 years, I truly know she will always be there for me. I cherish her. She is a gift to me.

But all of this aside, I wasn't going to let that one ruined plan spoil my day. I took a step back, realized that lies I was feeding myself about my worth, and turned it around by taking care of myself.

Day 7:
I didn't do much today. Well, actually, I did a lot today.

I made some cold brew and some lunch for work this week. I also baked some banana bread.
I tidied up the living room and my side of the bedroom, as well as put away my folded laundry from yesterday. I read part of the book I am currently reading and watched more Netflix than I probably should have. I found out that I have over paid for my cellphone bill and my chiropractor---need to get my money back!!

It was a good self-care day. :)


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