Day 15: Lips, Rain, and Money

Monday was a wreck!
Let's make a list about what happened:

1. I forgot my chapstick at home. I know that to most people this wouldn't be a big deal, but I have been religiously using chapstick since elementary school. I tried using reverse psychology by trying to not lick my lips. But unfortunately my lips don't understand that concept. By the end of my work day, I feared that my lips would start bleeding!!! That sounds so gross, but they desperately needed the goodness of chapstick.

2. I made a plan to stop at Target on my way home from work. It began to rain heavily right before I left work. Luckily I had my umbrella, so I packed up my bag and locked up my office. By the time I stepped out the door, the rain had pretty much died down. I got on the train and rode for a few stops before I got off to walk the two blocks to Target.

Instead of waiting to cross the busy street at one of the crosswalks, I thought it would be quicker to walk down the second block and cross there. It had started raining heavily again. The traffic was consistent with only stop signs at two intersections. I waited for 5 min to cross, but it wasn't happening. I was getting frustrated. So I turned around to walk back a block and cross where I knew it was safe. As I turned around, I adjusted my umbrella, and it broke....

The rain was getting worse, and I had to hold the umbrella up to keep it from collapsing. At this point I was fed up. My lips hurt, my feet were soaked, my arms ached. Target could wait. So I walked past the safe crosswalk and got back on the train. Almost immediately after I boarded the train, it stopped raining and the sun came out. What the heck!!!

3. After hanging out with my future roommate later in the evening, I found out that our living situation is still messed up. We are moving into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. Our initial plan was to have 5 women living there. So far only three of us have applied and forked over the deposit.

My financial situation is extremely tight. I can barely afford what rent would be for just 4 of us, so only 3 of us is going to be hell for me.

I'm stressed. I'm worried. I'm scared.
I don't know if I can afford food and other needs in the next few months.
I'm at a loss for what to do!!

4. After I got home from hanging out with my future roommate, I checked my email because I had received a notification on my phone. The email said that my first payment for one of my federal loans was due on Thursday.


I freaked out!

After brainstorming how I could possibly make this payment and the continuously monthly payments thereafter, I had a meltdown. I called my mom, told her what was going on with the loan, and vented about everything else that happened in my day.

This email that invaded my inbox is about a loan that is initially supposed to be paid by the parent(s) of the student. My mom is signed in as the borrower, and I am the cosigner. When we went through this process years ago, my intention was that I would be paying back the loan, not my mother. Most of my college career has been my responsibility with a little help here and there.

After venting with my mom, I didn't know what else to say or do. She didn't know what to say or do either. It was late, I was exhausted, and I was trying not to bawl my eyes out on the phone. After some silence, I said I should probably get ready for bed as I tried to muffle my sniffles.

I got off the phone, cried a lot, and asked God to help me through this.

And that about sums up my day! Happy Monday!
I honestly didn't go out of my way to do something for myself that would contribute to my 100 Days of Me.
I will talk about this in the blog post for Day 17.


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