Day 25: Baking

On Tuesday I had a scheduled meeting with my pastor in the evening. As the time approached for our meeting, I gave her a call but was sent directly to her voicemail. So I left a message wondering what was going on.

My pastor text me back saying she forgot to call after something came up. She kept apologizing, but it was no big deal to me. So we reacheduled for Friday afternoon.

In my last text to her while finalizing our meeting time, I asked her if there was anything she would like me to bring. I honestly had no idea why I decided to text that or even what her response might be. She text back suggesting that maybe I could bring a snack. 

After thinking about my small budget and wondering what I could bring for a snack, I decided I would do something that I enjoy: baking!

I made two loaves of zucchini bread since I had some zucchini hanging out in my fridge. It turned out very tasty despite using olive oil instead of vegetable oil, only having a third of the vanilla I needed, and not having a grater to shred the zucchini. 

I'm thankful I could do something I love to do and also share that with my pastor. I hope she likes it. 


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