Day 7: Slowing Down

In the middle of nowhere Minnesota on I94 in pitch black. Barely a vehicle in site. Driving fast and see a car coming up behind me. Pull into the right lane to let them pass. See flashing lights and pull over on the side of the road.

Officer: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: 85....
Officer: Did you have your cruise control on?
Me: Yes
Officer: Can I see your license and car insurance?

Rummages through purse and glove compartment.

Officer: Where are you headed to?
Me: Grand Forks
Officer: What brings you up there?
Me: I'm from North Dakota.
Officer: Have you ever been pulled over before?
Me: No. This is my first time.
Officer: Well, I'm going to go and run your card.

Waits in anticipation wondering how much this ticket will be knowing full well I was speeding.

Officer: Here is a warning. You do not have to do anything with it except use it as a reminder to slow down.
Me: (surprised and flustered) Thank you.
Officer: Drive safely to Grand Forks.

I knew this day would come.
But can I just say how thankful I am that this officer did not write me a speeding ticket. I was so anxious to get to Grand Forks and see my family. I just wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

But I took the officers words into account. I slowed down, cranked up my Christmas playlist, and enjoyed the remainder of my ride. This was truly a reminder to rid myself of the busyness I have been fueled by the past couple of weeks. I hope the next few days will go by slowly so that I can enjoy my time at home for the holidays.


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