Day 5: Progress

My favorite part of my work schedule is having Mondays off. When everyone is starting off the work week, I get to have a break. Usually I spend these days catching up on chores and running errands, but recently my Mondays have been quite busy. 

Today I managed to have two appointments, do some Christmas shopping, go to a church meeting, take a nap, and have roommate Christmas. All of this was done while having a killer migraine that started Sunday afternoon. But somehow I made it through the day, enjoyed myself and the company of others, and felt rested and whole. 

Throughout my interactions today I realized how I am in a healthy place emotionally and mentally. I am open and vulnerable when need be, and I allow myself to be discipled and grow spiritually. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that I am continually making progress and receiving affirmation from others who do life with me. 

I am happy. I am blessed.
These are statements I do not declare often. But right now I truly believe them. 


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