Day 4: Peace

With the hustle and bustle this time of year brings, I sure have had my fair share of days where I am constantly going and moving from one place to the next. As I was sitting in church this morning I realized how easily my mind switches into what-do-I-have-to-do-next mode, or I start to wonder what the next few days or weeks are going to look like with my schedule. This pattern of thought my mind and body in a state of anxiety. It's very unhealthy.

So during church I took a moment to rest and center my thoughts on peace. Mindfulness is a habit I am trying to incorporate into my life. It has been a slow process, and I continually have to remind myself to take a moment to see how my body feels and take note of the sounds, smells, and sights.

My hope is as this week unfolds with all the holiday activity that I can take moments throughout the days to practice rest, peace, and mindfulness.


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