Day 16: Godly Characteristics

Slowly I have been reading Portraits of Devotion by Beth Moore. In this devotional the author goes through the lives of Jesus, David, John, and Paul. The daily readings are encouraging and thought provoking. 

I want to share a passage from a recent devotion I read where the author spoke of godly characteristics I have become to desire in my own life.

"Two qualities I've come to admire most in both men and women are tenderness and strength. I no longer see them as exclusive terms. Quite the contrary, I've come to realize that one without the other leaves an individual lacking wholeness. I deeply desire to be a woman of tenderness and strength because my dearest role model possessed both. 
Christ Jesus is the artist. He created the world with colors and textures human artists have tried for thousands of years to imitate. Christ Jesus is the musician. He gave the angels their voices. Christ Jesus is the tenderhearted, ministering to our every need. 
Christ Jesus is also the warrior, forever leading us in triumphant procession, if only we will follow. In our greatest weakness, He is strong. Christ Jesus is the blessed embodiment of both characteristics. He has set an example before us of true manhood and true womanhood. No greater man or woman exists than one in whom tenderness and strength can be found." (Day 18, page 26)

This is the kind of woman I aspire to be: strong and tenderhearted. 

Today after work I had a church meeting to discuss new assignments for my role as the church administrator. I am energized and excited about the work coming my way. The pastor I met with has been so encouraging to me, pushing me to reach my full potential, and continually reminding me of the talents and brilliance I possess. 

What I'm trying to get at is I need to be more gracious with myself. I'm in a good place right now. I truly am. Seeking to be strong and tenderhearted is a healthy standard that I can surely acquire.


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