Day 13: Theme

As I was driving back to Minneapolis this afternoon I began to reflect on what I have learned so far in these 30 Days of Living a Full Life. There is a theme that has continually came up throughout my days and in my blog posts: slowing down.

Not only did I have to take it slow as I traveled from Grand Forks to here, but I want to make sure I get the most out of each day, live life to the fullest, and go to sleep at night knowing tomorrow can only be better.

I was nervous while driving because the roads were still covered with ice and snow, drivers were all over the road because the lines were hardly visible, and snow mixed with dirt kept hitting my windshield and car. But as I slowed down, the driving conditions became less stressful.

That is how I want to live my life.

My challenge is to continually remind myself to slow down, practice mindfulness, take in each moment as it comes, and grow in patience.


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