Day 30: Takeaways

Today is the last day of my blog challenge to figure out what it means to live a full life. As I posted back in December, during my grandfather's funeral it was said that he lived a full life. I know this looks different for everyone, and that is what makes our journeys beautiful.

Here is what I have concluded from the past 29 days:

  1. Being appreciated, in little and big ways, is very important for my self-esteem and personal growth.
  2. Self-care, peace, and mindfulness are habits I value in my day-to-day life.
  3. I am genuinely happy and content, maybe for the first time in my whole life (honestly!).
  4. It is wise to slow down from time to time. (Especially to avoid speeding tickets.)
  5. I have the best family. I love them dearly.
  6. I am building a solid foundation of friends, mentors, and a community. I am continually in awe of the support and love I receive from those in my life.
  7. There are parts of me that I left in 2016, and there are pieces I want to include this year.
  8. Loving all of me is key.
  9. It is always okay to ask for help or prayer.

It was so encouraging to hear from others after they read my posts and let me be a part of their lives in such a way. I process the best internally, and it seems to come out most clearly through writing. It means so much to me to share of myself in such an intimate way.

Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. It will be a relief to take a break from blogging everyday. I stressed most days not knowing what to write about, but I am sincerely proud of myself for sticking to it. I will continue to blog, though; just less frequently.

So here's to living a full life!


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