Day 25: Community

Community has always been an important part of my growth process. It should be for everyone.

After I graduated from university, my sense of community was in a state of searching. I went to a small Christian university with a tight knit community. Then I graduated and had to find my place in the world. It was overwhelming. I became frozen in isolation for quite sometime. But then in February 2016 I started going to my current church, and everything has sort of fallen into place.

How my community has been transformed this past year:

  • I started attending my current church which has been a safe space for growth and development.
  • I moved in with my current roommates who are so gracious with me. We are all so weird in our own ways, and we accept each other in our uniqueness. (Nothing at all against my previous roommates. I think it is also such a beneficial part of my living situation that I have my own bedroom. #introvert)
  • Three good friends and I have been working on starting a nonprofit with a focus on empowering youth and young adults. 
  • As I mention in a majority of my blog posts, I am now the administrative assistant at my church. This has been such a privilege for me and a great way for me to serve the Lord and my community.

All of these areas of my community development have enabled me to heal, flourish, and grow. I am truly thankful for those who choose to come alongside me and do life with me.


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