Day 43: Productivity

When I got to work on Monday, I looked at the To Do list I made before I left last Thursday. When I first started my year with AmeriCorps, I promised myself I would leave work at work. Something that aids me in doing this is creating a list of all work related items I need to do, posting it on the side of my computer, and leaving all thoughts, worries, and ideas with that piece of paper. This helps me to enjoy the remaining hours of my day without work lingering in my mind.

I got to work at 8:30am on Monday. I didn't look at the time until 11am, and I was impressed with the number of case notes I typed and the calls I made within the short time. In the next 3 or 4 hours, I finished some of the major tasks on my list, had lunch, and continued with more work. 

By mid afternoon, I was done with my list!! This was the first time in months that I actually finished everything I needed to for the day, and then some! I caught up on so much work I had been putting off for quite a while. 

I felt accomplished. I was proud of myself. I know this all seems petty, but my boost of energy and confidence has helped me to get even more accomplished this week.

I should also mention that I was hyped up on a lot of coffee because of the poor sleep I had the night before.

So here is so productivity, confidence, and coffee. :)


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