Day 40: (Trying Not To) Freak Out

After having been away from teaching my Friday School class for a few weeks, I was able to share a lesson on Genesis 10 tonight. About an hour before I walked to the church, I called my pastor to make sure we were actually having church tonight. While we were on the phone, she mentioned that next week they are hosting a 4 day event, Thursday through Sunday, which will be similar to an event we had a few months ago. During this event, I will be in charge of entertaining, teaching, babysitting, chasing, and dealing with the crazy of the children who come with their parents.

The previous event was a little chaotic. I did not enjoy the craziness. Luckily I had a friend who is also a children's pastor help me out. This event was three days with 15-25 kids every night. It was too much. I decided I wasn't ready to do this again.

So when my pastor told me about this upcoming event, with only a week notice, of course I was upset. How am I going to manage these kids? Last time I tried doing a traditional Vacation Bible School type of teaching, but the kids are not used to children's ministry.

So I don't know what I'm going to do. Of course I will plan for the event since I have limited time before it starts, but I need help.

I posted a status on FB asking for help, but I have no idea if anyone will respond.

But what I am going to do for myself in regards to this responsibility is take a few deep breaths, make some plans for each night that I have with the kids, PRAY, and continue to ask for help.

And if you read this and know of anyone wanting to help with this event next weekend, let me know!! I could use many hands and support.


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