Day 41: Self Day

Yesterday I woke up with a list of errands to run before noon. I showered and got ready for the day. In the process, I got a phone call from my oldest sister. She mentioned she was going to be in town doing some things and asked if I needed anything. How perfect!

My list of errands was walking to the nearest US Bank (a 14 block walk), back track to my chiropractor for my rescheduled appointment at 11am, and then head downtown to Target to pick up a large list of things I had been holding out on purchasing until I got my next paycheck.

I made my way to the bank almost without stopping, then made the 10 min walk to my chiro with just a couple minutes to spare before my appointment. My sister showed up while I was getting adjusted, then we made our way to Target.

I got home at a much earlier time than I anticipated. Thank God for older sisters with cars. :)

After putting everything away and doing some light cleaning in the apartment, I laid down to take a nap. My only other plans for the day were to go to a coffee shop later in the afternoon to use the internet since we still do not have internet in the apartment.

After dozing for a few minutes, I got a phone call from my dear friend Elissa. I had not seen her or heard much from her since she helped me move in last weekend. I thought about ignoring her call so I could rest, but I figured she wanted to hang out. So I answered her call.

Elissa was in the neighborhood and wanted to hang out. She came over and took a brief tour of the apartment, then we walked to Dunn Bros.

Elissa and I can talk forever. It's kind of funny.

We left the coffee shop and proceeded to do some light shopping since we both needed to pick up random things. After that we wanted to get something to eat.

Elissa and I are mad enthusiasts of ethnic food. We are always venturing to taste different cuisines. This is one of the main reasons I'm not quite ready to leave the Twin Cities. I love the diversity and the array of foods that tag along.

Elissa and I both tried Korean for the first time a couple of years ago on her birthday. My experience was not very good, but I told myself I would try it again. Every time we sit in her car and try to figure out where to go for supper, Korean food comes up, but we change our minds due to the closeness of other restaurants.

But yesterday we finally did it! We made our way to Mirror of Korea on Snelling Avenue in St. Paul. And oh how tasty it was! While we were there, we made a list of the other places we want to go. And we might even start a Twin Cities food blog.
Here is a picture she took of our meal:

Afterward we walked down the block to check out a coffee shop I spotted on our way there. Ginkgo Coffeehouse is nestled on the corner of Snelling and Minnehaha. It was so cute, and we left while listening to the opening musical number of a local artist.

As Elissa was driving me home, I referenced the movie Pitch Perfect. Then I invited her over to watch the movie. Elissa said she might have other plans, but proceeded to come in. While I was putting away the purchases I made earlier, she said, "I think today will be Kari time." :)

So we watched the movie and painted our nails.

It was a great, relaxing day. 


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