16: Something That Makes Me Awesome

For this post I did a little experiment. I sent a snap on Snapchat to some friends and family asking them to name something that makes me awesome. I was interested to see what other people thought of me.

Here are some answers I received:
  • Your story telling. (My brother said this. I'm not the best story teller, but my brother loves my stories because they are so bad that it makes him laugh. He is always looking for a way to make fun of me. What are brothers for anyway! His response: "I love that about you.")
  • Your big heart and desire to help others especially in Africa.
  • Your thoughtfulness and compassion for those in need.
  • Your hugs. Your niceness/personality. Your gentleness. Generosity.
  • Your personality.
  • Your intense love and compassion for children.
  • Your caring heart and bright smile that brightens everyone's day.
  • Your openness to new cultures and adventure.
  • You are awesome, because you are so caring about others.
  • Your passion.

As much as I hate to admit it, I often get caught up wondering how others will perceive me especially when I think the outcome will be negative. I know I have my flaws and downfalls just like everyone else. But it does no good for me to dwell on what others might think or say.

It was good for me to see such honest answers from those who are close to me.
Clearly I need to have more confidence in myself since there are some fairly noteworthy observations made on how awesome I am. 


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