8: My Top Three Instagram Crushes

The challenge for today is supposed to be "Your Top Three Favorite Blogs To Read, and Why." Since I do not read blogs regularly, I am going to mention my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram.

  • Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke - I love this couple. They blog, write, vlog, teach, and speak together. Not to mention they are Christians who actively live out their faith. Both Jeff and Alyssa are transparent about their lives but also limit what they share due to family privacy. They love to post about their kids. I see so much love and joy in what they do. It is very encouraging.
  • Yagazi Emezi - I follow quite a few African related Instagram accounts. I came across this lady through another account I follow (not sure which one). Yagazi is a Nigerian documentary photographer. She travels often, posts her work and adventures, and shares her day to day experiences. She has been open with her followers regarding social anxiety and introversion. I appreciate her approach to everyday life.
  • Laura Miller - I discovered Laura on the Tasty Snapchat Discover videos. She is a vegan cook with a spunky, sassy attitude. I enjoy watching her Instagram videos and seeing her posts, because she is real and raw in her approach to life. She has been open about her battle with depression and how it was a major battle during her recent pregnancy. In the time I have followed Laura on Instagram, I have seen her transform from a cook, to a writer, to a motivational speaker. I can truly see that she is a beautiful person, a loving mother, and an authentic friend.
These are my social media crushes. Hope I do not sound like a creepy stocker... 
I just love the vulnerability and authenticity I see in each of these Instagramers. It is refreshing to see as a scroll through post after post.


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