Knowing and Understanding My Love Languages- The quickest way to my heart is through a combination of Gifts and Words of Affirmation. If you know about the 5 Love Languages, then you know what I am referring to. A card with a handwritten message, a letter received in the mail, or a thoughtful gift are the perfect ways to win my love.
Honesty - In all of my closest relationships I value openness and vulnerability. This is authentic relationships. I may open my heart too much or too quickly resulting in getting hurt easily, but I would rather wear my heart on my sleeve instead of building walls up that no one can tear down. With honesty comes a sense of trust. The other day someone told me that all relationships have some level of trust. I would have to agree!
Coffee- I think this is self-explanatory. If someone buys me coffee, asks me out on a coffee date, or makes me coffee, I will forever be in love.
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