7: If I Could Have One Super Power

If you know me well, then you know I have a huge heart for Africa. I sincerely think about Africa everyday. My heart is there. I am invested in the people, the culture, the food, etc.

I had the opportunity to travel to Uganda, Africa, first in 2011 and again in 2013. It has been four years now since I have been to this part of the world I love, since I have seen my friends and family from across the globe. My heart yearns for the day that I can go back.

Therefore my desired super power is to teleport. I would love love love the ability to go wherever I want whenever I want.

How cool would that be?!

Being able to teleport would solve issues such as needing a job in order to pay bills, having a car which involves many expenses, or having to save up money in order to travel or do certain recreational activities.

So let's all imagine how easy life would be if we could teleport.


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