Day 2: Described a moment or a day when being single really sucked.

It has only been in the last couple of years that I have really began to embrace my singleness. That means previously there were many moments and days when being single was the last thing I wanted.

I remember during my senior year in college there was a day when my desire to be a wife and mother was strong. I cannot recall if I called my sister because of this or if I had been talking with her and brought up the subject. Regardless, I do remember being so distraught about where my life was at with no likelihood that my desires would be fulfilled in the near future. On the phone with my sister, I cried. Big tears. I remember feeling undesirable and unworthy. 

My sister comforted me. She challenged me to find ways in my life to be a wife and mother. I had to ask myself in what ways I was attracted to those roles and how I could implement wife and mother-like characteristics to those in my life.

It has been over three years since that conversation. And like I previously said, I have been embracing my singleness and everything that entails. 

There are still many moments and days when I feel lonely. Sometimes I wish I had someone to share a meal with, someone I could watch movies with, someone to go on dates with, someone who knew all the little ways to show me love, and someone who would take turns driving during the mundane drive from Minneapolis to Grand Forks.

I could go on and on about all the moments when being single really sucked. But for now, I am okay.


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