Day 1: Your response to everyone's favorite question: "Why are YOU still single?"

Recently a friend suggested that I do another blog challenge. I had been rolling around some blog ideas in my head, trying to get the creativity flowing.
After searching online for anything that seemed amusing and most challenging to me, I found this: The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

Holla! All the single ladies!

I'm excited about this. Hope you will join me for the next 30 days.

Day 1: Your response to everyone's favorite question: "And why are YOU still single?"

After reading this question initially, I started to think of numerous negative answers.
But because I know I am more awesome than I give myself credit for, I will be gracious and loving in my response.

Why am I still single? Actually, I'm going to answer the question "Why am I single?"

I am now a 26 year old who has barely had a boyfriend and never really been on a date. In both instances, I have had flings or questionable dates, but nothing has been serious or noteworthy.

I am the kind of woman who is all in or nothing. I am a woman who deeply desires to share my life with someone else, to build a relationship, create a life together, and build a family. Of course I will consider the possibility of that happening with any guy that shows any sort of interest in me. If it does not seem likely, then I need to get out of that situation.

I do not necessarily "put myself out there." I have never had a profile on a dating website. I do not care to go to social clubs or bars to meet people. I would rather have my run in with a potential partner be natural, in an environment that I like, doing something I enjoy.

So ideally I would like to meet a guy at church or in a Christian setting, doing something artsy or chill, maybe while eating some ethnic food and drinking coffee.

Is that asking for too much??

Also, let's get personal for a second. I am still a virgin, and I want to remain a virgin until I get married. That is basically a foreign concept in the dating world today.
I guess this means my standards for a relationship are high, or higher than others. I do not want to be in a sexually active dating relationship. This has caused many guys to seek someone else, therefore leaving me still single.

So why am I single?

I am single because that is just where I am in my life right now.
I have put myself out there. I have had my heart broken many times (because I'm a sensitive person). I have done somethings I regret. I have said no to interested partners to remain true to myself and what I believe in.
I have been learning, growing, and maturing throughout all of this.

Everyone's response to my answer: "You're still young."
Kari: *rolls eyes*


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