Loving You

Hey strangers.

I know it has been a while since I last blogged. I got busy over Labor Day weekend with going home and spending time with family. Then when I got back, I sincerely struggled with loving myself. I started to question how it was even possible to love myself when I don't feel that from those closest to me. 

One of my friends challenged me with the words of Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself. 

And I know I need to see this as: love your ________ (family, friends, coworkers, supervisor, clients, fellow commuters, roommates, the guy who tried breaking into your bedroom window last Saturday night when I was the only one home, etc.) as yourself.

But this thought just occurred to me: If I reverse this concept, will it work in my favor during this dry season of loving myself?
What I mean is if I say, "Love myself as I love others," I will feel more apt to loving others, and maybe this will cause my love for myself to grow.

Wow. Is this okay? Is this biblical?
Maybe? Maybe not?

Because if you think about it, if I am having a difficult time loving myself, then this will exude into my daily life which is what happened last week. As I previously mentioned, last week was tough. I didn't know how to love myself again after feeling so defeated by others. This trickled into all areas of my life. I didn't want to see my clients. I was so sad at work. I barely talked to my roommates. I didn't blog. I didn't know what to do for myself, to care for me.

So maybe I will use reverse psychology. If I begin to focus on how to love those around me, then shouldn't this increase my love for myself?

Well, I'm going to give it a try.

For the remainder of my 100 Days of Me, I am going to change it to Days of You: how I will daily love on others.

Let's see if this works. :)


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