New Journey

Hello blog world!

It's been quite some time since my last blog post (I seem to say that every time I blog...πŸ˜’). But a lot has changed in my life since then. I'm now married, living in a new location, and focusing on building a life with my husband. One of these changes is the reason for this post today.

In December 2018, my husband and I decided to sign up for a gym membership, something we talked about several times before actually doing it. It wasn't until the end of the month that we actually started using the membership. I wasn't seeing a ton of results, but at least I was feeling better and staying active. In February, my husband and I decided to try a new diet. After combining this diet with the exercise, weight started falling off.

Taken mid-December when I weighed my most. I was an impromptu angel in a church play.

The most I have ever weighed was in December before I got the gym membership. I weighed about the same on my wedding day. I honestly hated knowing that I weighed that much and was getting married, a day that so many people dream about. Don't get me wrong, I felt beautiful. My makeup was on point! My dress was special. But I did not like fully accept the image I saw in the mirror.

I do regret getting married while weighing that much. I wish I would have pushed myself to lose weight a long time ago. But let's not focus on what I could have or should have done.

Taken in mid-February

I want to celebrate with you all today, because as of right now, I have lost 39 pounds!

From my senior year of high school to just a few years ago, my weight was consistent. I was overweight, but my weight usually stayed within a certain number range. Today, I am back at that range!

As I continue to work out, watch what I eat, and blog about this journey, I believe I will see more weight fall off. I am proud of myself and can see the hard work paying off. I feel good, I can fit into old clothes that I used to wear during my plateau weight phase, and I have received so many compliments.

Taken the end of March.

I want to thank my husband for his support. He supported me when I started my diet. He keeps me accountable at the gym. He is part of my inspiration. 😘

This journey is my own. I am doing this for me. But I'm also doing this for my future and for my family.

Me today, about to go to the gym!


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