Retreat, Rest, and Restoration

Last weekend I had the privilege of going on a personal retreat. I have had a rough year, to say the least. My Pastor, who is also my boss at my church, suggested that I go on a retreat. And so I went to ARC Retreat Community in Stanchfield, MN. I stayed two nights in the only hermitage on the grounds. 
It was beneficial, much needed, and such a peaceful time to finally process through the past seven months.

Here are some pictures from my stay:

A letter I wrote in the hermitage diary

The letter reads:
I was gifted this retreat from the church which I work at. I have had a rough year. I lived with a friend for the past year who became on enemy halfway through our time as roommates. The space I had called my home was no longer a safe space. I was wrecked emotionally, spiritually, and physically as my health was up and down.
I am now living on my own, and I have cut all ties with my roommate. After trying to reconcile the relationship with no luck, ending everything seemed like the healthiest choice for me. 
Now I am here at ARC on a retreat I have looked forward to for months. My time here has been short yet beneficial. I have finally been able to process through the past 7 months that were hell for me. This place is a safe space. It is peaceful, still, and full of love---all parts I had been lacking. 
Here is an excerpt from a book I have been reading during my stay:
"We encounter God in the ordinariness of life: not in the search for spiritual highs and extraordinary, mystical experiences but in our simple presence in life." - Abba's Child by Brennan Manning
So I hope and pray the next hermits to come can find rest and peace in the safe space.
- Kari from Minneapolis

Screened in patio


Panoramic view of the hermitage

Where I ate my meals, read, and reflected

One of the notes I received in the picnic basket used for food deliveries. This was my favorite part of the retreat. Having the meals delivered to my hermitage was like receiving a gift twice a day. I never knew what type of food to expect. All of the meals were vegetarian. So delicious!

A few things:

  1. I have been hesitant about posting anything in regards to my previous living situation because I know I have friends and acquaintances who might not have been aware of what was going on. But it is what it is! It was a really sucky situation, and it was very unfortunate how things went down. I am at peace with where I am at now.
  2. Writing that letter in the hermitage diary was what brought me the most healing and helped me process the most through the past 7 months. I wrote that letter about two hours before I left the retreat center.
  3. During this retreat I realized how important it is to take time to invest in the healing and growing process that only seems to happen during personal retreats. Therefore I will be going on an annual personal retreat.


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