100 Days of Me

It's been quite a while since I blogged last. I miss it. I miss writing out my thoughts, what's on my heart, and what is troubling me. So the only way I can get back into it is to just start!

Blogging, and writing in general, is something that satisfies my desire to create. I believe that God makes each and every person with some sense of longing to create with their hands, minds, pens, computers, tools, anything!

When I create I feel a sense of accomplishment or a sense of nearing the completion of something. Isn't that a great feeling?

I've been feeling kind of down lately. Just stuck in this feeling of not really knowing what to do. Kind of helpless.

After getting home this evening from my weekly grocery run with a dear friend, I started putting away my purchases and realized that I need to do something for me. This came to mind after saying a short prayer---Lord, I'm not feeling so great, and I need some help. I don't know what to do....

Like so often I get distracted after I say these quick prayers, so I proceeded to put away my groceries and decide what to eat for supper. Then I got an idea! I am going to do 100 Days of Me.

For the next 100 days, I want to blog about those little and small moments that bring me joy, that satisfy my need to create, that make me feel worth something.

I'm excited. I believe this is what I need to get through this crazy, awkward stage of my life. And my hope is that these moments that I blog about will become a lifestyle. That I will be able to make this a good habit, that I will be able to take some time for myself each day, to recognize my needs and take care of myself.

So here's to 100 Days of Me!


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