
For my program at NCU, I am required to take the class titled International Fieldwork. For this class, we go on a month long trip to one of three or four locations picked by the school. This year, Uganda was one of the options. I jumped all over this opportunity because of my calling to do missions in Africa.

Before leaving for Uganda, and even for a couple of weeks when I was there, I did not think this trip was going to have much of an impact on my life. The reason I thought this is because of my calling to work in Ethiopia. I did not think Uganda had any space in God's plans--or my plans, for that matter.

Boy, was I wrong! I am in love with Uganda. It has been seven days since I left. I missed Uganda before I even arrived at the airport in Entebbe. Imagine how much my heart aches now!

I met so many amazing people filled with God's love and love for me. The land was beautiful. I know now that this trip was part of God's plan for my life.

The hard part now is knowing if God will ever allow me to go back. While in Uganda, I kept a journal. Many times throughout my journal, I would write about how much I loved the place and wanted to come back. To me, it is outrageous that going back to Uganda would not be in God's future plans for me.

I have a homesick feeling for Uganda. I miss my people there, and I know they all miss me, too.


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